pp108 : Modifying a Database Configuration

Modifying a Database Configuration

This topic describes modifying the <database> driver configuration details of a database configuration.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to modify a database configuration.

You can modify the following database details and not the name of the database configuration.

  • Description
  • JDBC or OLEDB driver details

    Remember If you modify a database configuration, you need to restart all those Service Containers which are configured to that database.
  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.
  2. Click on the toolbar of System Resource Manager window. The Manage Database Configurations page appears.
  3. Select the Database Configuration you intend to modify and double-click it. The bottom section is enabled for editing and allows you to modify the details.
  4. Modify the necessary details. Refer to JDBC Details Interface and OLEDB Details Interface for information on <database> details.
  5. Click (Test Connectivity option) to make sure Process Platform is able to connect to the database with the given parameters. A confirmation message appears indicating the status.
  6. Click .
    The database configuration is modified.

    Important: You cannot modify the Database Configuration Name.

After you complete this task:

  • Restart all the Service Containers that are configured to the modified database configuration.
  • If TomEE is used as a Web application server, and a database configuration is used by a component running in TomEE, such as Process Experience and Entity Runtime, then restart TomEE. 

Related tasks

Creating a Database Configuration
Deleting a Database Configuration
Viewing Database Configuration Usage Report

Related reference

JDBC Details Interface
OLEDB Details Interface